Are We Heading for War?

Dublin Core


Are We Heading for War?


This relatively small leaflet is physically taped to Manhattan College's copy of The Listener in which Bernard Shaw wrote "Freedom". It is duct-taped against the side of the paper, and a larger cardboard cover was given to sandwich the two items. Although "Freedom" was only a piece of a full newspaper, "Are We Heading For War?" stands on its own in this leaflet. It has a price tag on the front, so it was not made specifically for one person. It also uses the inexpensive technique of Octavo and the cover of the booklet is simply paper. This was designed for quick and thorough dissemination. The leaflet contains political statements and was published by the Labour Party. Making it inexpensive and small would have allowed the party to better spread Bernard Shaw's ideas.
It must be noted that the text indicates it is a transcript of an interview Shaw had previously given. This means that Bernard Shaw may not have been aligned with the Labour Party. The Party may have felt his interview expressed some of their ideals and published this edition of their own accord.
Whether Shaw considers himself a member of the Labour Party or not, the party gives indications that they look up to him. Despite the overall cheap nature of the booklet, his picture on the front appears to use a fair amount of ink. They could have easily omitted his picture, yet chose to include it despite the extra cost. The serious portrait poses Shaw as a face of their movement.


George Bernard Shaw


Manhattan College, Fales Collection


The Labour Party


Not given


Photographer, Not credited


Octavo, 11 pages




shaw 3.jpg


George Bernard Shaw, “Are We Heading for War?,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed October 19, 2024,