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The Grand Hotel, located in Oslo, bought a replica of the Fearless Girl statue from Kristen Visbal and have the replica placed in front of their hotel everyday.

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The Fearless Girl statue in the United Kingdom can be found in the country’s capital, London. Located in London’s financial district, the statue stands tall and proud in Paternoster Square.

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Another replica of the Fearless Girl statue can be found in Melbourne, on the lawn of Federation Square. Like the statue that is in Oslo, this one was created by Kristen Visbal and was unveiled in celebration of International Women’s Day in 2019.
For more information visit


The bodies of these sculptures are frail, and their faces appear frightened. Their eyes are wide as they look up at the massive ships they are about to embark. They clutch onto what is left of their belongings as they board the ships to America,…

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In this book, McVickar, who is the illustrator of An International Episode, is now the writer and illustrator of his own book. The first illustration provides a preview of what is to come, and appears on the contents page. It shows a man dressed for…

The main website associated with the Hemingway Home. Provides a brief overview on its main page. Additional pages, such as "The Home" can be explored for additional history and information.

The article details the plans which have went into the original planning of Central Park, or “the Greensward plan,” and the eventual execution of said plan.

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This is an article which describes, criticizes, and provides accounts from the book called “Diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia During his Tour Through Europe in A.D. 1873,” translated by J.W. Redhouse. The statements from this diary that are…