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Old Yankee Stadium.jpg
This selection shows us a deep insight to how the old Yankee Stadium was made, the history that came along with it, and the plans they had for the future of it.

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This is a photo taken by me of the World War II Memorial at night. The eye is immediately drawn to the illuminated columns.

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The first photo is of me in front of the World War II Memorial. As you can see from the background of the photo the memorial is a very beautiful and lively place on a warm, sunny day.
The second is a panoramic view inside the memorial. Circular in…

Works of charles dickens1.jpg
Volume 1 of 6, all are wrapped in tissue paper with "fragile" written on each piece. Gilded pages, just on the top edge. Cover appears to be hand painted. A combination of greens, yellow, purple and gold provide great detail. The gold pigments have…

Woman's Rights.PDF
This is a poem which requests to know what the rights of women are as a result of viewing these rights as difficult to determine. In this poem, Burnside reflects that women have not changed over time and had not considered the idea of “woman’s…

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The American Woman Suffrage Association was officially enstated in 1869 created by Lucy Stone, Henry B. Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, and T.W. Higginson. Published by the American Woman Suffrage Association, Olive Schreiner first released "Three Dreams…

This book details the strange cultural phenomenon were witchhunters. Witchhunters occupied a celebrity status of sorts that involved a volatile combination of mob rule and vigilante justice. While our understanding of witch trials is often a…

This book documents how witchcraft applies to different international cultures. Specifically, the book examines how different tribes around Africa still revere and worship many practices some (mostly Trump voters) would describe as demonic or even…

A book that details the act of witchhunting. Where Witchfinders focuses on the people that sparked these trials, this book describes the reality of what a trial often entailed. Images attached include 'trials' that involved torture and, most famously…

3.29 Omeka Item.pdf
This short piece of text by Olive Schreiner is incredibly beautiful, although somewhat hard to define. It initially interested me because what Schreiner writes is beautiful, but it doesn't fall into a specific genre. It's form doesn't quite fit…