Browse Items (716 total)

Although the Academy was built in the new Federal style of the era, visitors may notice the Irish country houses of Father Maxwell's youth provided inspiration as well. The hiring of Trustee, William Shannon, as builder and architect was a natural…

Irish Houses in the Georgian Era were known for their exterior simplicity, choosing to showcase higher quality joinery and workmanship in doors and staircases.

Irish Houses in the Georgian Era were known for their exterior simplicity, choosing to showcase higher quality joinery and workmanship in doors and staircases.

The Brothers chose to live in the Academy, rather than choosing to add extra economic stress to the subscribers in demanding a separate rectory.

In contrast to the pool table and entertainment area of today, the Brother's chambers were a sterile…

All of the original beams remain in their original position. Five of the ceiling beams in the south first floor room of the 1808 block required custom steel sleeves during restoration. The sleeves wrapped around the solid portion of the original…

Operating Theatre..JPG
During the much of the Victorian Era, many hospitals in London had operating theaters, where people could buy a ticket to watch operations. The spectacle could be gruesome, as anesthesia was not used until 1847. The images provided show the…

Operating Theatre..JPG
During the much of the Victorian Era, many hospitals in London had operating theaters, where people could buy a ticket to watch operations. The spectacle could be gruesome, as anesthesia was not used until 1847. The images provided show the…