Browse Items (716 total)

john and cynthia.jpg
This photograph depicts a very young John Lennon, sitting next to classmate Cynthia Powell, who would later become his first wife. Their relationship was tumultuous from the start, and only escalated as time went on. Ultimately, their marriage…

Oliphant moved to Windsor in 1866 after the death of her last daughter. Her sons were there studying; she joined them to aid in their upbringing. She was also housing her brother and his children at the time. The three men in the picture are…

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This is a photograph of Lady Constance Lytton being released from jail and marching out from the prison, immediately promoting women's rights the same day of her release. Lady Constance Lytton was one of the most influential leaders of the…

Baby farming is the historical practice of accepting custody of an infant or child in exchange for payment in late-Victorian Era Britain and, less commonly, in Australia and the United States. Amelia Dyer participated in baby farming, but instead of…

As Others See Me.PDF
This essay appeared in a periodical about 10 years after Oscar Wilde's "Lord Arthur Savile's Crime", where the practice of cheiromancy was prevalent throughout the story. This practice of telling how a person is, based off the lines of their hands…

The Automatic Fortune-Teller.PDF
This is a comic from the British comic magazine called "Illustrated Chips" which indicates a satirical perspective on receiving information on fate from a machine fortune-teller. This comic mocks fortune-telling as the results of a few fortunes told…

ENGL 335 Wilde Omeka Item 3.pdf
This poem which appeared in the comic and satirical newspaper "Funny Folks" speaks on the subject of cheiromancy (spelled here as 'chiromancy'), and comically reveals the subjective and ultimately false nature of palm reading by telling the love…

ENGL 335 Wilde Omeka Item 1.pdf
This article essentially gives a beginner's guide to palm-reading or cheiromancy to the reader, instructing them in what all of the different aspects of the hand mean in order to read it "properly." What struck me in "Character in the Hand" is that…

ENGL 335 Omeka Item for March 8.pdf
This newspaper article, titled, "The Practice of Etching" gives a specific, technical account of how Mezzotints are made. With precise detailing of the how the images are etched and crafted, this article provides a quick background for someone who…