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The original cast of Hamilton the Musical performs for President Obama at The White House (2016). President Obama speaks to the impact and significance of Hamilton the Musical's message and impactful cast.


3.29 Omeka Item.pdf
This short piece of text by Olive Schreiner is incredibly beautiful, although somewhat hard to define. It initially interested me because what Schreiner writes is beautiful, but it doesn't fall into a specific genre. It's form doesn't quite fit…

In this article, it speaks about the appeal to voting. Specifically, women's right to vote was being spoken about here and the women that were qualified to do so based on many different factors. During this time, women wanted to be equal to men but…

Woman's Rights.PDF
This is a poem which requests to know what the rights of women are as a result of viewing these rights as difficult to determine. In this poem, Burnside reflects that women have not changed over time and had not considered the idea of “woman’s…

March 27 Press conference.jpg
The Mayor of NYC declares an extension to the stay of the Fearless Girl statue in the city.

Operating Theatre..JPG
During the much of the Victorian Era, many hospitals in London had operating theaters, where people could buy a ticket to watch operations. The spectacle could be gruesome, as anesthesia was not used until 1847. The images provided show the…