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ENGL 335 Wilde Omeka Item 2 Page 1.pdf
The essay "London Beyond the Pale" lies within the book and photo journal, "Living London: Its Work and Its Play, Its Humour and Its Pathos, Its Sights and Its Scenes," which functions as something of a travel guide, attempting to capture every…

Little Women
This early edition of part two of Little Women, which was published in 1869 only a year after the original first volume of the novel came out, is written by Louisa May Alcott and, according to the title page, illustrated by May Alcott. It is unclear…

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This first edition of part one of Luisa May Alcott’s novel Little Women, published in 1869, is illustrated by May Alcott, just like the second part from Manhattan College’s Fales Collection. The edition contains four illustrations: one of the…

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This group of advertisements is found at the end of the first edition of Little Women, part second found in Manhattan College’s Fales Collection. Two pages of the advertisements list some writings by Jean Ingelow, a fellow nineteenth-century female…

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Though it was published in 1893, this article definitely has the same language and overall feel of a contemporary tabloid article one could find at the checkout counter at Stop and Shop. But instead of having articles talk about Brangelina or the…

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These photos were taken from my second visit to Washington D.C.. During this trip I actually climbed to the top to see the statue of Lincoln.

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This is a picture of me in front of the Lincoln Memorial. As you can see from the picture the memorial is a very large space with the focal point being the temple like structure that the statue of Lincoln resides.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is the composer, lyricist, playwright, and staring actor of Broadway's smash-hit Hamilton.