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This video excerpt from The Steve Allen Show in 1959 features rare footage of Jack Kerouac reading his own work aloud on live television. The duo were promoting their new album “Poetry For the Beat Generation” which features Steve Allen playing…

The history behind the building of the Stephen A. Schwarzman building .

Throughout this description readers will understand the design of the Memorial. Readers will understand more about the waterfall pools and the trees.

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This essay speaks about fairytales and how they originally were used mostly for moral or political purposes. It also speaks about the advantages of them, the importance of imagination, and that many times, the reader can see certain aspects of…

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These are maps of the museum floors open to the public, including the New Wing and the entrance. Though there are four floors, the fourth floor is dedicated to the Conservation Center as well as administrative offices.

The 12 plaques at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial list the names of New Yorkers who were killed, went missing in action, or taken prisoners of war in Vietnam.

A glass wall inscribed with quotations sourced from letters written to and from soldiers, as well as quotations from relevant public figures at the time.

The general history of the house, before and after Hemingway's time in Key West.

Found in the "Repairs" section, under "The Home." Displays some photos of the damage and repairs the home has recently gone through, either due to time or hurricane seasons.