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The writer of the article details how various people or groups wish to either do away with Central Park or transform it into something for the poor. However, the writer of the article seems to take a centrist stance and doesn’t seem to lead to any…

This article is a opinion piece about the railroad strike in Britain form 1919.

In this article, it speaks about the appeal to voting. Specifically, women's right to vote was being spoken about here and the women that were qualified to do so based on many different factors. During this time, women wanted to be equal to men but…

The main website associated with the Hemingway Home. Provides a brief overview on its main page. Additional pages, such as "The Home" can be explored for additional history and information.

One of the additional pages on the Hemingway Home website. Provides information about the pool including its construction, what this section of the property was used for originally (boxing ring), and historical context with regards to the 1930s.

Provides history and photos of Hemingway's personal yacht, as well as information on some factors which inspired Hemingway to write "The Old Man and the Sea."

Found in the "Repairs" section, under "The Home." Displays some photos of the damage and repairs the home has recently gone through, either due to time or hurricane seasons.

The general history of the house, before and after Hemingway's time in Key West.

A glass wall inscribed with quotations sourced from letters written to and from soldiers, as well as quotations from relevant public figures at the time.

The 12 plaques at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial list the names of New Yorkers who were killed, went missing in action, or taken prisoners of war in Vietnam.