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Marra, Kim. “Riding, Scarring, Knowing: A Queerly Embodied Performance Historiography.” Theatre Journal, vol. 64, no. 4, 2012, pp. 489–511. JSTOR.Kim Marra, a scholar of theatre arts and American studies, investigates the emergence and…

Bill, Roger. “Traveller or Tourist? Jack Kerouac and the Commodification of Culture.”
Dialectical Anthropology, vol. 34, no. 3, 2010, pp. 395–417. JSTOR, JSTOR

Roger Bill, in this article, questions whether Kerouac’s travels, which he…

This image illustrates my friend and I which duplicates our reflection.

joseph watson.jpg
Joseph Watson was chairman of Joseph Watson & Sons Ltd, soap manufacturers, of Leeds and a director of the London and North-Western Railway.