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This Tweet, posted on December 8, 2015, is an example of using a historical event to engage in a modern political discussion with contemporary tools. The Tweet was posted on the anniversary of John Lennon's murder, and Ono Lennon utilizes that event…

This painting depicts the aftermath of the failed potato crop, resulting in the eviction of a family from their farm and home. The young man looks back at his home that he has just been evicted from with his family surrounding him. This eviction is…

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The following is the story that comes before 'The Library Window' by Magaret Marie Oliphant. The story was published in the collection of stories that Oliphant had organized in 1902 along with three other stories called 'Stories Of The Seen And…

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The impact the hash tag has in social media.

The crowd of people waiting outside for TanaCon, as seen by someone inside the Marriott hotel looking down below.

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Tom Moore, the subject of this text, was an Irish poet and songwriter, most known for his patriotic tunes "The Minstrel Boy" and "Let Erin Remember." These tunes are still played today and remain an important part of Irish culture as they help to…

in 1861 the ten dollar bill went into mass printing in the Unites States. It wasn't until the early 1900's that the U.S. Treasury mandated that every ten dollar bill have an identical portrait of founding father, Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton remains…

This banner was put up on the finish line of the cross country course to celebrate 100 years of the cross country course. The cross country course has been active since 1913.