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Steamboats, Viaducts, and Railways

Wordsworth’s poem, originally written in 1833, can be placed into meaningful conversation with other contemporary works, such as Charles Dickens’ The Signalman. Dickens’ story…

Written in 1952, this short novel focuses on an old man out at sea trying to catch a large marlin. The overall tone and corresponding themes of this piece were mainly influenced by Hemingway's time in Key West rather than his experience during the…

Written in 1926, this novel is one of several which was heavily influenced by Hemingway's wartime experiences. Centers on a first person narrator who jests about his own war wound and his travels with friends.

This elementary level Children's Book focuses on Alexander Hamilton’s rise from a young orphan in the Caribbean to one of the most influential founding fathers in the United States of America. This book draws on key elements from the musical, and…

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The impact the hash tag has in social media.

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Few things are as synonymous with the New York Yankees as the iconic song "New York, New York," which rings out after every game at Yankee Stadium. It gets played after wins and losses alike, as a consistent reminder that no matter the outcome of any…

The photograph was taken place as Zoe was waiting outside to try to get water and food from Bella Thorne. A group started to form and they put barricades up around the back entrance (where everyone had originally entered) and then the one girl who…

Alfred K. Knopf considered his Borzoi Books to be of special value. According to Random House, Alfred K. Knopf was interested in publishing books by “the most distinguished writers of the day” and “he wanted to present their work in the most…

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This group of advertisements is found at the end of the first edition of Little Women, part second found in Manhattan College’s Fales Collection. Two pages of the advertisements list some writings by Jean Ingelow, a fellow nineteenth-century female…