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Hadley and Hemingway

Healthy Homes: Hints by a Surveyor.pdf
This article, "Healthy Homes" is published in the exact newspaper as "Alicia's Diary" was for the first time. It appears right after the first installment of "Alicia's Diary", separated only by a small break in the page. It is interesting that these…

This image illustrates me with my head appearing to be on a platter with the remaining of my body being non existent.

As seen in Margaret Oliphant’s "The Library Window", the ‘understanding' of female hysteria came about in the 19th century. However, according to this advertisement, women should not fear…there is an electrical belt that can not only cure all…

The writer of the article details how various people or groups wish to either do away with Central Park or transform it into something for the poor. However, the writer of the article seems to take a centrist stance and doesn’t seem to lead to any…

This page in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" has the words that Mr. Cattell utters at the end of the story, "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio,/ Then are dreamt of in your philosophy.". This quote could be seen as a way to say that the ghost…

The original cast of Hamilton the Musical performs for President Obama at The White House (2016). President Obama speaks to the impact and significance of Hamilton the Musical's message and impactful cast.


Hamilton the Musical "A.HAM" Flat Brim Hat available on for fans of Hamilton the Musical.