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This is a book that records a conversation between author Arthur Conan Doyle and a medium who is speaking to his dead son, Pheneas. The book is written during a time in the Victorian era in which emphasis was put on scientifically proving the…

A photograph of Johann Straus II, an Austrian composer, and Johannes Brahms, a German composer, with a note written by Strauss and addressed to "Mrs. John L. Gardner", also known as Isabella Stewart Gardner.

This wall at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in New York City has quotations engraved into glass from soldiers sent to their families, from family members to soldiers, and from important public figures during the time.

The 12 plaques at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial list the names of New Yorkers who were killed, went missing in action, or taken prisoners of war in Vietnam.

A glass wall inscribed with quotations sourced from letters written to and from soldiers, as well as quotations from relevant public figures at the time.

"Linking different generations of military service is the spirit behind the Phelps Award, given annually by the Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Plaza."

This award was designed by Vietnam war veteran John Phelps. Each year, it is given to a person…

Photograph of Gardner reading a book in 1907 in England, taken in the house of Henry Yates Thompson.

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This photograph comes from the edition of "Wessex Tales" that was published in 1912. It shows the hangman's cottage, which Gertrude visits in order to cure her arm.