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The documentary Carries the viewer through the life and mind of Frederick Law Olmsted, the man hailed as an architecture of natural landscape and creator of national parks in America. Through the documentary we see into the mind of one of the…

This is the frame left behind from the 1990 heist. The whereabouts of "Chez Tortoni" are still unknown.

Forrest Gump, released in 1994, is the story of a simple man named Forrest. In the movie, Forrest enlists in the U.S. army during the Vietnam War, and is deployed overseas. It also follows his and other soldiers' experience of being a veteran in the…

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This brief news blurb published in 1872 by The Englishwoman's Review announces the establishment of a woman's library in the French capital Paris, and further requests that any reader interested in furthering the cause of women's education is…

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Many of the Suffragettes of the 18th Century were imprisoned for going against the law to achieve women's rights. The imprisoned suffragettes went on hunger strikes; to avoid death liability the women were force-fed just like the illustration shown…

62 Indigenous plants were incorporated into the memorial to reflect the native land of Ireland. The plot of land that makes up the memorial is not scaled back, but accurate to the size of land plots from that era.

Float by Anne Carson is a fascinating collection that gives readers a heap of questions. The books are bought in a hard plastic sleeve, holding 25 small books called chap books. The denoted definition or goal of the set given by Carson is for readers…

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The Fearless Girl statue, featuring passerbys taking a photo with the monument, on March 12, 2017.