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The True Story Book catches the eye with the gilded pages upon a deep royal blue hardcover. Andrew Lang is a poet, novelist, literary critic, and patron to the field of anthropology. The True Story Book is a fiction and folklore novel, a product of…

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The first noticeable artistic dimension is unmistaken, the gilded pages. It brings a golden aura to book itself. The term "gilding" covers countless decorative techniques. The process of applying gold leaf or powder to solid surfaces creates this…

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This edition was kept in a bright red box filled with an abundance of miniature Japanese bogies. Binding was done by Sarah Wyman Whitman, one of the most important women designers of book binding. Whitman's designs are known for their restrained…

The Illiad of Homer is known as an ancient Greek epic poem, traditionally attributed to Homer. It takes place during the Trojan War, the ten year siege of the city of Troy. It tells the battles during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon and…

Float by Anne Carson is a fascinating collection that gives readers a heap of questions. The books are bought in a hard plastic sleeve, holding 25 small books called chap books. The denoted definition or goal of the set given by Carson is for readers…

This article is another example of an accident within the train system of England. This relates to Charles Dickens' short story "The Signalman." I chose this item because it adds another dimension to the short story. Sometimes since fiction includes…

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This article provides a scathing view of the diagnosis of hysteria, which prominently "affected" women in the Victorian era. As this article is from a satire publication, the object here is to ridicule the diagnosis of hysteria, as it was…