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While the gilded cover stamp and writing on the spine of the books suggest that this cover was created in the 1840s, Macmillan and Co. released the first edition of The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book in 1894 and 1895, respectively. Humans…

The busy streets of Chelsea, NY. This image was taken right outside of the museum.

Marra, Kim. “Riding, Scarring, Knowing: A Queerly Embodied Performance Historiography.” Theatre Journal, vol. 64, no. 4, 2012, pp. 489–511. JSTOR.Kim Marra, a scholar of theatre arts and American studies, investigates the emergence and…

The article shows individuals all there is to do at the observatory. It talks about the amazing views the photo ops that there is and the One World Cafe. This article gives people a look into the experience they will have when coming to the…

Jules Goodman made six illustrations for Thomas Hardy's "An Imaginative Woman," the headnote being an abstract piece picturing Ella, the protagonist, and the poet character Robert Trewe, whom she falls in love with despite not formally meeting. On…

This bridge was erected to connect two parts of the park after a highway cut the park in two. The bridge has been raced on by famous runners of both the past and the present such as Steve Prefontaine, Matt Centrowitz, and more.

Although gravel is on almost every cross country course in the nation, the gravel at Van Cortlandt Park is special because not many places in New York City have gravel on their trails. It is also the preferred surface for runners to run on.

Where the finish line has always been the same, the starting line has always been different. This has been the starting line for the past few years for many of the collegiate races.

The two polls that stand on the side of the trail by the Tortoise and Hare Statue has been the finish line since the beginning of the cross country course’s existence. It is another landmark of the course which has been crossed by every person who…