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One of the additional pages on the Hemingway Home website. Provides information about the pool including its construction, what this section of the property was used for originally (boxing ring), and historical context with regards to the 1930s.

Interior Photo #7.jpg
Showcases one of the rooms in the Hemingway Home. This specific room contains several pieces of art and one model ship housed in a display case. One of several places in the home that could be used for social gatherings.

Interior Photo #1.jpg
Displays Hemingway's study in the house. Also shows some artifacts related to Hemingway, such as his typewriter and a painting. The mounted animal head is a trophy from one of Hemingway's safaris.

Provides history and photos of Hemingway's personal yacht, as well as information on some factors which inspired Hemingway to write "The Old Man and the Sea."

Written in 1952, this short novel focuses on an old man out at sea trying to catch a large marlin. The overall tone and corresponding themes of this piece were mainly influenced by Hemingway's time in Key West rather than his experience during the…

Written in 1926, this novel is one of several which was heavily influenced by Hemingway's wartime experiences. Centers on a first person narrator who jests about his own war wound and his travels with friends.

Found in the "Repairs" section, under "The Home." Displays some photos of the damage and repairs the home has recently gone through, either due to time or hurricane seasons.

The writer of the article details how various people or groups wish to either do away with Central Park or transform it into something for the poor. However, the writer of the article seems to take a centrist stance and doesn’t seem to lead to any…

The general history of the house, before and after Hemingway's time in Key West.

Rob Chernow's biographical novel details the political and personal life of founding father, Alexander Hamilton. This novel was the inspiration for Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton".