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This wall at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in New York City has quotations engraved into glass from soldiers sent to their families, from family members to soldiers, and from important public figures during the time.

This elementary level Children's Book focuses on Alexander Hamilton’s rise from a young orphan in the Caribbean to one of the most influential founding fathers in the United States of America. This book draws on key elements from the musical, and…

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This was taken by my uncle because you were not allowed to go up and take pictures. There were security precautions taken for almost anything you did inside the Cathedral. My uncle took a picture of the screen that was next to him.

Free app provided by the Irish Hunger memorial, which is available for download if the visitor chooses. The app provides audio clips from Brian Tolle, the designer of the memorial, who guides the listener through the elements of the structure with…

Battery Park City is located on the west side of the southern tip of Manhattan, and is the home of the Irish Hunger Memorial.

62 Indigenous plants were incorporated into the memorial to reflect the native land of Ireland. The plot of land that makes up the memorial is not scaled back, but accurate to the size of land plots from that era.

BBC Documentary of the Great Famine.

Rise Up! Broadway and American Society from Angels in America to Hamilton tells the story of Broadway starting at Angels in America, and ending with Hamilton. The book aims to examine the drastic changes broadway theatre has gone through, analyzing…

Illuminated historical information regarding the famine that lined the sides of the structure on slates. These words were not carved, but were shadows. This was another intentional move of Tolle’s, as he strived to induce a haunted and ghostly…