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The Brighton Railway Accident.PDF
This newspaper article explores the aftermath of the railway collision at the Clayton tunnel on the Brighton Railway in which 23 people were killed and hundreds were injured. This crash sent waves of sadness throughout the towns of London and…

Etching #9 (1).jpeg
An illustration from a book.

This commemorative time-lapse honors the victims of 9/11 and is dedicated to their families and friends, with special gratitude to the first responders and the steadfast construction teams.

At the time of its dissemination, An International Episode received both praise and scrutiny from readers. A look into the periodicals of the late 19th century showcase a world of critics deeply invested in James's work. As engrossed as they were, it…

The Diary of the Shah.pdf
This is an article which describes, criticizes, and provides accounts from the book called “Diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia During his Tour Through Europe in A.D. 1873,” translated by J.W. Redhouse. The statements from this diary that are…

The article details the plans which have went into the original planning of Central Park, or “the Greensward plan,” and the eventual execution of said plan.

The main website associated with the Hemingway Home. Provides a brief overview on its main page. Additional pages, such as "The Home" can be explored for additional history and information.