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These photos were taken from my second visit to Washington D.C.. During this trip I actually climbed to the top to see the statue of Lincoln.

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This is a photo taken by me of the World War II Memorial at night. The eye is immediately drawn to the illuminated columns.

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This photo is of the Washington Monument at night. All the flags were flying at half mast to honor the passing of John McCain.

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Born as Malcolm Michaels Jr. on August 24, 1945, gay rights activist, AIDS activist, and self-proclaimed drag queen Marsha P. Johnson is attributed with being one of the largest influencers on the events of the Stonewall Riots in June of 1969. She…

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The first photo is of me in front of the World War II Memorial. As you can see from the background of the photo the memorial is a very beautiful and lively place on a warm, sunny day.
The second is a panoramic view inside the memorial. Circular in…

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This is a photo of me in front of the Washington Monument. As you can see I traveled around D.C. by scooter and visited each monument using the scooter which was a much more efficient and time saving way to get around D.C. and appreciate the…

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This is a picture of me in front of the Lincoln Memorial. As you can see from the picture the memorial is a very large space with the focal point being the temple like structure that the statue of Lincoln resides.