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In this essay, it is discussed that women are now able to be employed into libraries. This is due to the fact that the male workers are now realizing that they could do something better. It is interesting to note because women weren't able to go into…

The first of these two images depicts the cover of The Strand Magazine during the July 1891 publication in which "A Scandal in Bohemia" was originally produced. The second image depicts a later cover from The Strand, published in January 1896.…

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This episode is about a man who is looking to make money so he gets hired to become a video game tester for a really successful Japanese company. This game is a spin on virtual reality, with a chip implanted in him rather than a headset, he has to…

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This is a painting from an unknown artist about the moment in the short story when Lord Arthur is getting his hands read. I think the way the artist portrayed the party scene was particularly interesting because during the chaotic display, there is…

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In this article, it speaks about palmistry and seems to be very skeptical of the whole situation and everything it entails. A majority of the article is questions relating to palmistry and why it is necessary. When reading this, it made me think of…

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The passage itself seeks to interrogate the role of fiction in relation to the people of the time period. It describes in a sense how people tend to be attracted to fiction due to our imagination. In earlier times the popular tales would be stories…

Savile's crime.pdf
This article has a paragraph that describes a crime that a man was convicted of that was very similar to what Lord Arthur Savile’s first attempted to kill his elderly relative. In which a man was sentence to death after attempted to kill a lady…

For Spring Break 2019, I went to London for 5 days where I was able to go to the Tower of London which guards the Crown Jewels. In class, we briefly spoke about the Koh-I-Noor diamond when having to read The Illustrated London News (September, 8,…

Getty Images Ghost of Jim Stubbs .jpg
There are two side by side images of a couple eating dinner at their table when all a sudden the ghost of Jim Stubbs, the former occupant of the house, appears to them. This image is an example of the Victorians using new technology to create new…