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Free app provided by the Irish Hunger memorial, which is available for download if the visitor chooses. The app provides audio clips from Brian Tolle, the designer of the memorial, who guides the listener through the elements of the structure with…

Battery Park City is located on the west side of the southern tip of Manhattan, and is the home of the Irish Hunger Memorial.

62 Indigenous plants were incorporated into the memorial to reflect the native land of Ireland. The plot of land that makes up the memorial is not scaled back, but accurate to the size of land plots from that era.

BBC Documentary of the Great Famine.

An article from the New Yorker details the experience of a news producer on the ground at Vietnam. Because this war was televised, it made it easier to sway public opinion about it. This affects how the war is remembered because it allowed people…

The library has become such an iconic piece of the city's landscape that it is featured in many famous movies as a landmark of the New York City.

The library tries to be as accessible to the public as possible. For example, people can use their IDNYC cards as library cards.

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The library has a lot of artifacts and exhibits that are related to literature, including a collection of locks of hair from various famous authors.

The NYCPL was built at the site of a shutdown reservoir because it was a public place that people frequently visited and the builders wanted the library to take the place of this park.