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The crowd of people waiting outside for TanaCon, as seen by someone inside the Marriott hotel looking down below.

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The impact the hash tag has in social media.

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The following is the story that comes before 'The Library Window' by Magaret Marie Oliphant. The story was published in the collection of stories that Oliphant had organized in 1902 along with three other stories called 'Stories Of The Seen And…

This painting depicts the aftermath of the failed potato crop, resulting in the eviction of a family from their farm and home. The young man looks back at his home that he has just been evicted from with his family surrounding him. This eviction is…

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This Tweet, posted on December 8, 2015, is an example of using a historical event to engage in a modern political discussion with contemporary tools. The Tweet was posted on the anniversary of John Lennon's murder, and Ono Lennon utilizes that event…

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"Woman," which was written for John Lennon's album "Double Fantasy" is truly the antithesis of his previous song "Getting Better." In this song, Lennon sings about his second wife, Yoko Ono Lennon, and all the wonderful things she has done for him. …

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The Hearst Magazine features the "Woman's Realm" department, fortifying the ideals of the numerous "privileges" obtained by women. In this particular advertisement, readers are encouraged to spend ten cents on a single copy that lists the appropriate…

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The Facebook page that started the revolution in Egypt by organizing parades and providing meeting locations.

An article about the importance of libraries to restore and maintain culture.