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Strips of fabric with painted red cross

Screenshot-2018-4-25 George Bernard Shaw, by Gilbert K Chesterton Portrait sketches of George Bernard Shaw and Gilbert K Ch[...](1).png
George Bernard Shaw's contemporary, Gilbert K Chesterdon, dedicated a book to exploring Shaw as a person. He wrote it as a first edition, indicating he anticipated more to follow. This may have been because Shaw was still alive when Chesterdon was…

Screenshot-2018-4-25 George Bernard Shaw, harlequin or patriot by John Palmer - pdf(1).png
While many writers and artists are discovered after their time, George Bernard Shaw was a source of fascination to his contemporaries. John Palmer takes a stab at debunking what he believed to be myths about Shaw in his book "George Bernard Shaw:…

This book documents how witchcraft applies to different international cultures. Specifically, the book examines how different tribes around Africa still revere and worship many practices some (mostly Trump voters) would describe as demonic or even…

This book details the strange cultural phenomenon were witchhunters. Witchhunters occupied a celebrity status of sorts that involved a volatile combination of mob rule and vigilante justice. While our understanding of witch trials is often a…

A book that details the act of witchhunting. Where Witchfinders focuses on the people that sparked these trials, this book describes the reality of what a trial often entailed. Images attached include 'trials' that involved torture and, most famously…

This is another book written by Arthur Conan Doyle that documents the history of Spiritualism. It's important to note that Doyle views this history a purely academic way as the book tries to both provide a history of how the field developed while…