On April 2, 1853, Rozier signed a construction contract with John Troll, Joseph Jokurst and Charles Jokurst for $1,025 to build this two story brick addition adjacent to the Old Academy.
The addition stands fifty feet wide by twenty-five feet…
Following Christian Brother's dedication to universal education, Reverend James Maxwell, then also President of the Louisiana Territorial Legislature led a unanimous approval of the St. Genevieve Academy's charter in June 21, 1808.
Thus, creating…
Names on the parapets are filled with flowers every year on the anniversary. White flowers are also placed on the names for the victims birthday. The flowers remind those that this is the final resting place for many victims families.
This is a fan-created Comic strip exemplifying the relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. This cartoon aims to make a statement on the characters shown, while also remaining a source of humorous entertainment for members of the…
This is an imagine of the Church of the Frari that appears in "Alicia's Diary". The description confirms the recount from Alicia in that the church itself is able to be gondola. The description in this piece of the inside matches that of Alicia's…