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Love, Timothy M."Gender and the Nationalistic Ballad: Thomas Davis, Thomas Moore, and Their Songs." New Hibernia Review, vol. 21 no. 1, 2017, pp. 68-85. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/nhr.2017.0005

Timothy Love analyzes the different styles and…

Henderson, Archibald. “George Bernard Shaw.” The North American Review, vol. 185, no. 616, 1907, pp. 293–305. JSTOR, JSTOR,
This article, written contemporarily to Shaw, extols Shaw’s abilities and compares…

Murphy, Ann B. “The Borders of Ethical, Erotic, and Artistic Possibilities in ‘Little Women.’” The Ideology of Mothering: Disruption and Reproduction of Patriarchy, vol. 15, no. 3, 1990, pp. 562-585. JSTOR. In this article, Murphy discusses…

William Sydney Porter, the real name of O. Henry, was known for his short stories that often contained surprise endings and dark, mysterious topics. Carl Van Doren argues that O. Henry's writing style was so unique because of his tendency to know all…

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The Gibson Girl is seen as the ideal feminine beauty in the early 20th century. Charles Dana Gibson saw his portrait of the Gibson Girl as a composite sketch of all American girls, representing her, and all American women, with a slender waist and…