Annotated Bibliography

Dublin Core


Annotated Bibliography


Kincheloe, Joe l. "Says Who? Who Decides What Is Art?" Counterpoints, vol. 212, 2003, pp. 49-53. Peter Lang AG, JSTOR,
Joe Kincheloe asks the initially impossible sounding question: "Who
has the right to designate this piece a part of the official canon of artistic
greatness?" Kincheloe goes into detail, talking about how some people just invent criteria on their own as to what constitutes greater art, and then other go against each other in a cultural war. In reality, there is no unified agreement of criteria that showcases how art is necessarily "good."
The claim Kincheloe offers is useful because it offers a great perspective on how to look at interpretation itself. Maybe not just that people are trained to view art in a certain way, but also that we are accustomed to giving agency to people claiming they know what good art is.

Huss, Ephrat, and Haim Maor. "Toward an Integrative Theory For Understanding Art Discourses." Visual Arts Research, vol. 40, no. 2, 2014, pp. 44-56. University of Illinois, JSTOR,
This essay is a look at how different people see art. The article takes a look at different people with different backgrounds and has each of them give their honest interpretations of a few art pieces. Each person with a different background gave a different comment on the same piece or pointed out a completely different aspect that none of the others touched on. What makes this particular experiment really special is that each of the pieces was done by a student at a school, meaning the people commenting on the pieces had no previous judgment from an art critic to base their definitions on. This is extremely important to see because it really shows us that the interpretations people make have the capacity to be flexible and wide, but get shortened down when we see the words/critiques from other "art professionals."


Alexander Nieves


Alexander Nieves, “Annotated Bibliography,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed September 19, 2024,