Daily life and Legal Tender

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Daily life and Legal Tender


A Glimpse into the Life of the Academy


Here we see a list of the school's subscribers and a few artifacts of what daily life was like in Sainte Geneviève.

Despite the unanimous agreement on so many important steps such as building style, choice of builder,school charter, even basic curricula, there were many setbacks to finishing the actual building. In 1809, a small pox outbreak ravaged the town, delaying the Academy's opening and due to ongoing economic challenges of the new agricultural settlement, some subscribers were not always steady in their promise to pay their donations for the school each year.

In August 30, 1809, the Trustees authorized the town collector to file suit against subscribers who had not made full payment. The list of subscribers may be noted above in the ledger.




Daily life and Legal Tender


“Daily life and Legal Tender,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed September 20, 2024, https://omeka-pilot.manhattan.edu/items/show/215.