Jane Eyre (Ch. 19 Illustration)

Dublin Core


Jane Eyre (Ch. 19 Illustration)


For the subject of this Omeka item I centered my research around depictions of crossdressing present in the Victorian Era. For the third excerpt that this was based off of the change into a man was a very significant ordeal for the characters involved. It was a means of reclaiming a life for themselves outside of the control of their husband who was actively searching to take them back home and potentially kill them.

Therefore, as I was searching for illustrations that would mirror the effect of crossdressing, I came across this illustration that was provided in the story of Jane Eyre. This specific entry can be found in Chapter 19 in Project Gutenberg. While it is not a direct parallel to the previous scenario you can see that there are two figures, a woman and a hooded figure. The hooded figure is supposed to be a gypsy woman that had the ability to read the future. The woman in the picture approached this woman to get her future read but her future couldn't be determined. After this attempted reading the disguise of the gypsy woman was unveiled, revealing Mr. Rochester underneath it. I would like to mention in relation to the illustration that you can see how the 'gypsy woman' is in a more relaxed position on the chair, and the light from the fireplace casts shadows for both of the characters of the scene. The woman of the scene is dressed like a proper woman of the age while the one who is in the disguise is keeping the majority of their features concealed, keeping a less-orderly appearance while maintaining the disguise.


Bronte, Charolette


Project Gutenberg, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1260/1260-h/1260-h.htm


Service And Patton Edition




Townsend, F.H.


Project Gutenberg


N/A, specifically the illustration




Jane Eyre Illustration.jpg


Bronte, Charolette, “Jane Eyre (Ch. 19 Illustration),” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed September 20, 2024, https://omeka-pilot.manhattan.edu/items/show/390.