Irene flood,John+Patti Reagan owners of DOT'S restaurant wilmington vermont

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Irene flood,John+Patti Reagan owners of DOT'S restaurant wilmington vermont


Video of John and Patti Reagan discussing the effects of Hurricane Irene


The video recounts the destruction of Wilmington, VT as a result of Hurricane Irene. They highlight the state of disrepair that most of the buildings in town are experiencing. Dot's, in particular, is examined in great detail as the building hangs precariously over the river. John and Patti Reagan, the owners of Dot's Restaurant, describe how the storm has affected their business. They even show the clean-up crew picking up pieces of the building from the river's shores.






September 1, 2011


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butters are starting to proceed along
the eastern seaboard but the misery it
is far from over more than a million
people are still without power in
Vermont rescue crews are trying to reach
people in communities stranded there by
the hurricane the National Guard's
involved dropping food water baby
supplies and reliant is in Wilmington
where the cleanup is well underway and
amber Fuchs can really see now the
devastation from Hurricane Irene after
the water recedes and you're left with
that as we see what's behind you a
brother yeah and this is what's cosmos
the problems across the state 260 roads
flooded the water wiped out the
foundation and now crews are getting in
here and trying to repair these roads so
that residents can get out of these
communities Wilmington was at one point
for one day cut off residents could not
leave because the roads and bridges
leading in and out of town were damaged
and now that they're able to access the
city we're seeing more more people come
out they've been for the past couple
days they've been taking up their goods
there was a lot of stores restaurants
down the street behind me and a lot of
the owners lost all of their inventory
just things i could have generated
profit now turned into trash from mud
and muck and i'm here in front of dots
restaurant this is a staple here in
Wilmington been around 30 years but take
a look at the side of this restaurant
you can see that if you look right up at
the top of that tin roof where it just
starts and now if Tom you can pan down
to the river within eight hours this
river rose all the way up to that tin
roof and then came across this town and
that's what caused all the damage it was
a flash flood these business owners did
not have time to prepare and I'm joined
now by the owners of dots this is John
and Patty Regan and real quick Tom if
you can show right over there we've got
some inspectors on the side of their
building they're testing the foundation
day John and patty will find out if
they're building that they've had for 30
years their business is salvageable and
patty what is it like to be sitting here
in that with that anticipation of not
knowing whether you'll be able to
continue to use this building well I
don't really know I'm kind of dumb about
it all and I just I just don't know what
to say anymore until they decide then we
could decide but until they give us one
way or the other and John you've had
this that's around 30 years yeah satana
surreal around the whole town will not
normal ones the town has really come out
support of us and everybody else in to
waiting have you been able to take a
look inside your restaurant design
access and it doesn't look like this
we're gonna get in today they've got
some issues that they're concerned about
already oh it's gonna been there talk
about flood insurance katama can have
you pan over to the flooring store that
yellow building on the corner the woman
who owns that told us yesterday that she
does not have flood insurance and she
says she expects it be over three
hundred thousand dollars worth of damage
the economy's already been rough she
said she was just starting to see this
is pick up considers that a total loss
last question do have flood insurance we
do about those insurance I don't know if
it's gonna be enough to rebuild you
guess we won't really know that until
you can sit down put all the brass tacks
together alright thanks for talking to
us best of luck okay I'll send it back
to you all right amber great job tell
Patti and John our thoughts are with
them such a quaint town you see the
devastation of Hurricane Irene thanks so
much a number line




HLN, “Irene flood,John+Patti Reagan owners of DOT'S restaurant wilmington vermont,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed July 5, 2024,