Browse Exhibits (131 total)

Political Murals in Northern Ireland-Matthew Ishak

The rise of political murals in Northern Ireland reflects the growing political divide between Irish Nationalists and Unionists. The Unionists wanted Ireland to remain a part of the United Kingdom while the Nationalists wanted Ireland to be free of foreign control.

Black Lives Matter and Cultural Change

This Omeka Exhibition highlights a major event that has defined and moulded the year 2020 - the Black Lives Movement movement. It taps into this key event from the context of cultural psychology and cultural change. 

This exhibit coincides with the podcast "BLM and Cultural Change" which is meant to educate the listeners about the BLM movemnet, it's origion, the long standing foundation of racism in the US and the cultural changes that are a direct outcome of this mordern day civil rights movement.

Thank you for listening!

Black Lives Matter Movement, cultural change tto come

This Exhibit talks about the predicted cultural Change the movement will bring in the years to come. In the Exhibit there are artifacts atteched to support the argument but also a podacts to follow along.

Covid-19 effects on Cultural Change

Welcome to my Exhibit. It's filled with a variety of texts, journals, data, and images. Don't forget to check out the podcats! 

The Disease Known as Racism

This Omeka exhibit is to be used alongside the podcast 'The Disease Known as Racism. Click on the Introduction page for more details.

COVID-19 Revolution

This website discusses the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and the impact it has had on individuals around the world. The website also examines societal changes due to COVID-19 and psychological constructs such as pathogen prevalence and individualistic as well as collectivistic societies. When looking at this website, please listen to the podcast which will guide you through the different artifacts. The podcast can be accessed through this link and should be opened in a new browser window in order to view the remaining pages of the exhibit:

Immigration, Cultural Identity, and Social Inequality Amongst African Immigrants in America

The purpose of this exhibit is to describe and explore the effects of an different culture, such as America, on African immigrants. With an guest speaker we seek to analyze the effects of culture, immigration, and social inequality amongst African immigrants. This includes economic, educational, and racial inequality among this group.

An important feature of this podcast and exhibit is to identify and possibly shift attitudes of racial inequality in America. With growing distain towards immigrant groups focusing on their strife and intial inclusion in this country has become an increasily important topic. 

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