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This Omeka exhibit correlates to my podcast in that it demonstrates the artifacts that are referred to while listening. Click this link to listen in a new browser and follow along with the items on this site. Each artifact is mentioned in chronological order throughout the podcast, except for one reference back to Artifact #2, which can be seen by clicking back to the page labeled "Coronavirus and The Role It Plays."

In my podcast, I discuss the cultural changes that I predict to see in the future of the United States due to the impact that the Coronavirus pandemic has had. All my predictions are based on previous findings of psychological studies. My three major arguments are that we will see: 

1. Tighter Social Norms 

2. Changes to our Behavioral Immune System 

3. An Increase in Xenophobia

As you listen to my podcast, I will walk you through my reasoning and explanations for my predictions, as well as how each artifact in this Omeka site correlates.