The Fearless Girl

A monument is often associated with the idea of a structure being constructed and erected to memorialize a person or event of great notability. A monument is often placed intentionally to serve as a figure of remembrance for an event. However, this was not completely the case for the Fearless Girl statue. For this monument in particular, the Fearless Girl was placed to help create and strengthen a narrative that hasn’t been illustrated fully in the eyes of society. In order to understand, the significance of this statue and its role in society’s narrative, one must note that this is not a static exploration to gain understanding.

Just as how story-telling has become dynamic due to the influences of technology, the journey to understand the significance of the Fearless Girl statue is too, dynamic. Through the use of this site, and others, one can be offered a glimpse into the story of the Fearless Girl that is in motion and ever-changing.