Some Authoritarian Historical Reflections
Examples of xenophobia, conformity, inequality, and restriction of freedoms have existed throughout many different pandemics across history. The very threatening element of infectious disease seems to have direct correlation to the ways certain groups react to outbreaks- which usually reflect these aspects of authoritarian governance, beliefs, attitudes, and ideas. The connection between prevalence of pathogens and the attitudes of cultures is strong- and history might actually repeat itself. One example would be the Influenza Pandemic.
This clip showcases elements of society that are reflected today during the current outbreak, with comparison to the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. Government officials worked to enact bans to deal with the crisis. This can be connected to the way people view their freedoms being rejected. Also, a social cue is established that is existent now of how societies react when pathogens are rampant.
This text showcases how during a time of racial tensions, political threat, upheaval, and pandemic- the United States government began to enact laws which could be seen as rejection of individual's personal freedoms, and as the article outlines, began to reflect/emulate an authoritarian style of governance.