Culture of Honor & Individualism

Artifact 1: These charts demonstrate the effect of Southern Culture of Honor on biological responses to perceived threats. Comparing the cortisol and testosterone levels of Northerners and Southerners before and after experimental encounters with an aggressive individual, it is clear that Southern participants had much stronger reactions to insults and aggression than Northern individuals. Stress levels and prepardness for aggression in defense were higher for Southern participants. 

  • Figure 1: This graph shows cortisol levels before and after an insulting, aggressive encounter. Southerners experienced significantly higher levels of stress following the encounter while levels in Northerners actualy decreased slightly.
  • Figure 2: This graph shows testosterones levels before and after an insulting, aggressive encounter. While both participant groups enxperienced an increase in testosterone, Southern subjects had significantly higher levels than Northern subjects.

In relation to gun control specifically, these findings suggest at least a tolerance for violence as a means of self-defense.

Artifact 2: These charts indicate the traits most indicitive of gun owners and opposers of gun permits while highlighting the traits that overlap with individualism.

  • Figure 1: This chart shows a correlation between traits indicating individualism and traits of those who own a gun.
  • Figure 2: This chart shows a correlation between traits indicating individualism and traits of those who oppose gun permits. 

Individualists and those who own guns or oppose gun control tend to live in rural areas, be white, Protestant, have lower education and income levels, and are politically conservative. Considering that opposers of gun control tend to use an arguement fueled by individual rights and autonomy and supporters of gun control argue on behalf of public safety, it makes sense that individualism and collectivism play a role in attitudes toward gun reform and regulation.

Culture of Honor & Individualism