Andrew Lang and Charles Dickens

“I cannot read Dickens!” How many people make this statement throughout their lifetime? Despite the fact Dickens writes in a particular manner, unruly to some, he has many worshippers, among those who knew him in his life.  He must have had a wonderful charm, for his friends in life adored his soul, even to this day. There can be no half-hearted admiration for Dickens. It is clear that Lang admired Dicken's writing. He wrote numerous introductions for his novels. He claims Dickens is "probably the man whom the world owes most gratitude." He continues, “Here his genius is all pure gold, in his successful studies or inventions of the humorous, of character parts. One literally does not know where to begin or end in one’s admiration for this creative power that peopled our fancies with such troops of dear and impossible friends.” Evidently, his work was held in high regard, exclusively by Andrew Lang. The genius of Dickens, his heart, his observations, his delightful high spirits, his chivalrous desires, these qualities will make him live on in our hearts forever.

Works of Charles Dickens: in thirty-four volumes: with introductions, general essay, and notes by Andrew Lang

Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens

Volume 1 of 6, all are wrapped in tissue paper with "fragile" written on each piece. Gilded pages, just on the top edge. Cover appears to be hand painted. A combination of greens, yellow, purple and gold provide great detail. The gold pigments have the possibility to indicate wealth. The edges of the pages are very worn, many have loose strings along the spine of the book. 

Within Lang's introduction, he proceeds to go into detail on numerous of the works by Charles Dickens such as Master Humphrey's Clock, The Old Curiosity Shop and the Times. In all novels written by Dickens, there is a list of immaculate illustrations including these volumes, admired by Lang. He devotes most of the introduction applauding each vivid character Dickens created within his mind.

Did Andrew Lang use Charles Dickens as a muse?

Andrew Lang and Charles Dickens