Criminal behaviors associated with vaping, specific vaping products and ingredients that can affect behavior

Artifact 3: Anthony G. Vito who specializes in drug use as well as crimonology explained a study done to show if their is a coorelation between vaping use and criminal activity. In this study, 12th graders were asked whetheror not they had vaped e-liquid in the past thirty days, as well as if they had used marijuan in the past 30 days. What was found in this study is somewhat eyeopening as the results showed that kids who had vaped in the past 30 days were 490% more likely to engage in smoking marijuana. However vito states, that unlike different studies that had shown a coorelation in violent behavior and vaping, this study was less evident of that. He did mention "Namely, the same set of factors that cause vaping is likely to cause violent or property crime. Indeed, prior literature has found that many of the same correlates of violence and property crime are related to vaping such as peer attitudes/behaviors"(Vito, 2021).

Artifact 4: This chart shows ingredients , as well as what a vape is made up of. In the source included with this illustration it is explained to use by authors Patrics Marques, Laura Piqueras, and Maria- Jesus Sanz that many of the ingredients sued in E Juices are harmful which have psycological affects that lead to behavioral changes. One of the affects they note, which I mentioned earlier is oxidative stress which we know know decrases impulse control, and quality of sleep. Both of which are behavioral changes.

Criminal behaviors associated with vaping, specific vaping products and ingredients that can affect behavior