Dignity, Honor, Face and Herding

Here we see the various scorings of dignity, honor, and face among a variety of nations. The areas of importance we are looking at however are the last two categories, Iowa and South Carolina. As you can see, they both score very highly on honor, with middling dignity, and very low on Face. This bolsters the claim of the existence of a prevailing honor culture in southern and more rural United States, something Thomson, Yuki, and Talhelm will link with Heine and Norenzayan to provide an understanding of these places as highly relational mobile but still significantly different from the cultures of Dignity in the north. This is a keystone in differentiating the two geographically

As a culture centers more of its focus around herding, altering its culture to reflect the ways the flocks must move from pasture to pasture, higher relational mobility can be found in those societies. Here we see western areas like the Americas and Europe  developing cultures centered around their livestock where eastern areas like Japan and China do so with grains (primarily rice). We can observe the degree of relational mobility scaling higher in the former while lower in the latter.

Dignity, Honor, Face and Herding