Artifact #1: Shirazee African in New York (Song)

In the podcast this is covered briefly in the beginning as an opening song. The creator, Shirazee provides his view of himself as an African immigrant in New York. In the chorus he says, 'I'm an alien, an legal alien..." claiming that while he lives in the country legally he still sees himself as an outsider. This is an sentiment that many feel across the country. Depending on when they intially arrived in the US their view of the culture and themselves are completely altered. Younger immigrants may feel more at home in this country as they had little time to really ingrain themselves in their pervious culture. However, here they be molded or shaped by the culture. Older immigrants like Shirazee may feel more out of place, sort of like an alien on an new planet. It is an new enviorment and something completely foreign to their past culture.