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Putting Lennon's Story into Context

In the era of #MeToo, it is of utmost importance to reevaluate famous and powerful men in society who continue to reap the benefits of fame without also experiencing the consequences of their abusive actions.  Cynthia Powell fits into this narrative, though her husband's abuse began long before #MeToo was even an idea.

To put things into perspective, we can put Cynthia Lennon into context with data provided by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).  These statistics are from the United States, and while Cynthia Powell's experience occurred in the United Kingdom, the context is nevertheless important.

Cynthia Powell is one of nearly 10 million people who are abused by an intimate partner every year.

Cynthia Powell is one out of every three women who has experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner (slapping, shoving, pushing).

Cynthia Powell was between the ages of 18 and 24 when she first experienced physical abuse at the hand of her intimate partner.  This age group is the one in which domestic violence is most prevalent.

Cynthia Powell is part of the 48.4 percent of women who have experienced at least one psychologically aggressive behavior by an intimate partner (humiliation, deliberately doing something to make someone feel diminished and/or embarrassed, demeaning the victim in public or in private).

Cynthia Powell is part of the 76 percent of intimate partner violence victims who identify as female.

Domestic Violence in the U.S. Infographic

This infographic presents some of the most startling and thought-provoking statistics associated with IPV, along with those presented above.  A purple theme was chosen because purple is the color associated with IPV.  Infographics have been particularly pivotal in stripping down a complicated issue to a few facts and figures, which I have compiled here.

Putting Lennon's Story into Context