TV Show Adaptions of "Kiss Me Again, Stranger"

I don't think these are central to my main argument but they're useful in seeing how people adapted Du Maurier's story. I wasn't able to find and watch the Rex Harrison episode but it's interesting that it is marketed as a story about love. The other two stories in the collection are also about slightly weird love between humans and even nonhumans. I was able to find a blog post about the episode for "Kiss Me Again, Stranger" and there was a slight change that affects the whole story. The boy goes to the police station after the girl is taken into custody and this is where he learns her parents were bombed. She is able to tell more of her story which gives her more agency.  Thankfully, I was able to watch the Suspense episode which was very similar to the actual story. There were only small changes that didn't affect the story overall. Personally, I think the way it was directed changed the meaning of the story, it was made for entertainment which I don't think is what the story itself is fully for. Watching the episode didn't force me to reflect as much as reading it did but maybe this is more due to the outlet. 

TV Show Adaptions of "Kiss Me Again, Stranger"