Psychological Constructs: Rise in Individualism

This page has artifacts on the psychological construct and how these constructs are related to my problem; There will likely be an increase in Individualism and a decrease in Collectivism which can be harmful because it is likely that people will rely more on themselves or the internet rather than professional mental health services.

This table provides the effects of acculturation, social network orientation, and the values underlying the construct of individualism and collectivism on attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help among Chinese-American college students. This is important because it lets the readers know how these variables have significant influence on seeking professional help.

This table demonstrates how knowledge, worries, and concerns about COVID-19 were significantly correlated with“horizontal” collectivism which was negatively correlated to emotional and behavioral difficulties and “vertical” individualism which was positively related to emotional and behavioral difficulties. The table shows the association between general/social worries and concerns about COVID-19 (G/S W) and personal/social worries and concerns about COVID-19 (P/S W).