The Operational Presence Of Toxic Positivity

Now we will turn to my second artifact, which draws upon the ideals within my second source. This artifact within this study aims to collect in-depth information about the affected workers who were laid off during the pandemic from April 2020 to the present, so that their family members and employers can gain a better understanding of their emotional state and how unemployment affects their mental health. 

In addition, this study clarifies the concept of toxic positivity and its impact on the psychological health of unemployed young adult workers during a pandemic.

The following cultural variable that we will be discussing is Cultural Priming. 

Cultural priming induces cultural ways of thinking in participants. Acting differently in different environments assumes that while some ways of thinking may be different between Cultures A and B, A's way of thinking may still be present in Culture B. Priming individualism is known by forcing participants to use first-person singular pronouns (I, me) vs. priming collectivism by forcing the use of first-person plural pronouns (we, us). 

Specifically, collectivism is known as conformity. Conformity is known as confirming the solid social norms. 

This cultural variable leads to toxic positivity, because individuals are forced to conform to a way of thinking based on trending social media practices. Conforming to these standards presents how toxic positivity can influence individuals to follow practices they are unfamiliar with, however the influence is primarily based on the cultural norm of social media.

For example, In order to work in an economy, you need to know specific skills to guide you further.  Being able to think of abstract concepts is vital to succeeding in the modern economy. 

The Operational Presence Of Toxic Positivity