What Peace Could Have Happened?

During the time of the Holocaust, if there was higher levels of military intervention, the rates of violence would be lower than they are. According to John K. Roth and the excerot from his book, we as humans have the power and resources to train different people on how to prevent a genocide from occuring. Due to the fact that there was inadequate training between 1930-1945, military officials were unable to have the opportunity to be effectively trained on how to iefficently intervene in a genocide. By becoming acquainted and developing relationships with other countries and unions, the death toll in the Holocaust could potentially have been lower than it is. It would have ensured that there would be another force of people fighting for the Jews. An increase in military training and partnering nations could have decreased the amount of harm and deaths which occured during the Holocaust. 

In the book Preventing Genocide, authors Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen believe that a military intervention program can be incorporated in the budget. This program will increase the knowladge people have in how to handle a genocide from a military perpective. If different programs were developed during the time of the Holocaust, many people would know how to take down a genocide, rather than stray away from helping due to a dent within their budget, as Britain did.

In 1939, the United States would not admit Jewish refugees into the United States who were entering from Europe. Between 1929- 1939, it was the time of the Great Depression in the United States. The Great Depression was a time of poverty and distress all around the country. As a result, many Americans feared that bringing in Jewish refugees from Europe would implement a large dent in the economy. The high unemployment rates would make it near impossible for Jewish people to come in and find jobs. If the US were to allow these refugees to come and attempt to make a living in the US, there would be a lower death toll. Less people would have been around which would essentially prevent more people from dying and facing the wrath of Hitler. Many Jewish refugees would have had the chance to escape Europe and in the end, survive. If the US government was not economically unstable and had a large amount of funding, they would have been able to not only care for all of their own citizens, but a couple thousand more. 

Works Cited

Albright, Madeleine Korbel., et al. Preventing Genocide: a Blueprint for U.S. Policymakers. American Academy of Diplomacy, 2008.

“America and the Holocaust.” Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/defying-nazis/america-and-holocaust.

Roth, John K. “After-Words: Post Holocaust Struggles with Restitution and Genocide Prevention.” Whittier Law Review, no. Issue 4, 2002, p. 899. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edshol&AN=edshol.hein.journals.whitlr24.43&site=eds-live, pg 905.

Smiley, Gene, et al. “Great Depression.” Econlib, https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/GreatDepression.html.

What Peace Could Have Happened?