Saving Private Ryan

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Saving Private Ryan


Omaha Beach scene


This clip is taken from the opening scene of the 1998 epic war film, Saving Private Ryan. This is a fraction of the beginning 27 minutes of the movie which are known for their intense representation of war. The scene graphicly portrays the Omaha Beach assault during the Normandy Landings of World War II. In order not to infringe with copyright law, this is only the first five minutes. However, these five minutes are enough to reveal the bloodshed in this battle. Approximately 2,000 American casualties resulted from this battle.

This movie precedes the creation of the memorial, which was not completed until 2004. However, I felt it was still important to incorporate into the memory I was trying to create because it provides a visual for the Freedom Wall within the memorial which is decorated with 4,028 stars that each represent 100 American lives lost during the war. I feel that in order to truly understand the war that the memorial is remembering it is important to put a visual to what sacrifice actual meant during the war--both to those that lived through these battles and those that died.

The clip begins and ends with images of Captain John H. Miller, played by Tom Hanks. While, Miller survives this battle he still must live with the images left in his head and the memory of the events which took place that day. Miller represents the memory of the nation--the movie allows the audience to witness the recreated battle of Omaha Beach with Miller which in turn reminds them what sacrifice and freedom truly meant to those who fought in World War II.


Stephen Spielberg



Moving Image Item Type Metadata




Steven Spielberg



Stephen Spielberg , “Saving Private Ryan,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed October 19, 2024,