Attack on Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941 the American Naval Base, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked by Japanese fighter pilots. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a huge moment for Americans as it was when World War II finally reached the American shores and we could no longer remain out of the fighting. I choose a song, “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” and clip from the movie, Pearl Harbor, in order to create a page which remembers this significant day in American history.

The song, “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” was written in 1942 by Frank Loesser. The song lyrics exemplify the camaraderie during the attacks; when one died in the firing squad line, another would step up to take his place, and so on. The lyrics speak about a mission for freedom. This song ties into the memory of the war being about freedom that is created by the memorial; the Freedom Wall--adorned with stars to honor the dead--has a stone inscription which stands in front of it reading “Here we mark the price of freedom”. Both of these concepts tie into the American nationalist phrase “freedom is not free”. There is sacrifice, valor, and death which define the word freedom.

The second item on this page is a clip taken from the movie, Pearl Harbor, directed by Michael Bay. The clip is a battle scene from the attack. I included the clip as a visual aid to support the lyrics and memory being created by the song. The movie clip is helpful in remembering what exactly took place on that grave day, and the surprise that so many men were taken by, a factor which resulted in their death.

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the entire nation came together and honored those lost in that attack with their own contributions and sacrifices toward the war effort. Pearl Harbor is significant to the argument I am making about the World War II Memorial because sparks the American unity, sacrifice and fight which the memorial is remembers.  

Attack on Pearl Harbor