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Intimate partner violence (IPV) refers to a wide variety of abuses that are perpetuated in a romantic or otherwise intimate relationship. These abuses can be physical, financial, emotional, psychological, sexual, and even academic. The subject of…

"Crying for John Lennon" is an original song dedicated to the memory of John Lennon and the vision of peace he imparted on the world. It was used in the documentary "Strawberry Fields"

This video illustrates a boomerang of the outside of the museum along with one of its exhibits. The stick in the exhibit appears as though it will not be able to go through the outlined configuration because they are two different shapes. However,…

This commemorative time-lapse honors the victims of 9/11 and is dedicated to their families and friends, with special gratitude to the first responders and the steadfast construction teams.

This image illustrates myself hanging upside down. I appear to be doing a handstand on a bench, yet in reality the room itself is configurted with the bench plastered to the right side of the wall. However, the illusion is created once the image is…