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The underbelly of the power plant. Here, you can see the structural foundation of the power plant. The owners are now ensuring the integrity of the foundation through construction work.

Battery Park City is located on the west side of the southern tip of Manhattan, and is the home of the Irish Hunger Memorial.

The library was styled around the Beaux Arts architecture style which was used on buildings meant to serve a symbolic meaning.

When I was looking for my Omeka items, I discovered that I was mistaken about the original publication of "An Imaginative Woman." I came across this image, which is an original illustration that accompanied "An Imaginative Woman" in Pall Mall…

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This episode is about a man who is looking to make money so he gets hired to become a video game tester for a really successful Japanese company. This game is a spin on virtual reality, with a chip implanted in him rather than a headset, he has to…

The morning of September 11 was, as many would observe, strikingly clear, the sky so blue it made the subsequent events that much more jarring. The blue sky that day became everyone's individual memory because everyone describes the blue as a…