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The now rusted door to the dock which has been torn off from the from the sliding track. The power Plant uses this door to accept much needed deliveries of coal from carrier boats. The doorway now gives a constant view of the Hudson River.

The underbelly of the power plant. Here, you can see the structural foundation of the power plant. The owners are now ensuring the integrity of the foundation through construction work.

These tiled signs indicate a number 4 and 5 of something (possibly machinery or power lines). The tiles are original from the 1906 construction and are strikingly similar to the designs found in Grand Central. Unfortunately, the meaning of these…

The interior view of the Glenwood Power Plant. The photo displays the massive four story walls now filled with graffiti. It is taken from the rear of the structure looking toward the train tracks.

A protester stands in front of a burning barricade during a demonstration in Cairo January 28, 2011.

A news article recounting the efforts of the people of Wilmington to reopen Dot's Restaurant after the destruction of the building during Hurricane Irene. It tells the story of how the owners of Dot's, John and Patti Reagan, as well as the people of…

This video shows the extent of the flooding that occurred in the town of Wilmington during Hurricane Irene. Dot's Restaurant, shown in the bottom right of the frame is halfway under water, despite usually being several stories above the level of the…


The video recounts the destruction of Wilmington, VT as a result of Hurricane Irene. They highlight the state of disrepair that most of the buildings in town are experiencing. Dot's, in particular, is examined in great detail as the building hangs…

Here are a few natural shots I took in June 2013 during my visit to Central Park when my cousin visited from Arizona and my family friend visited from Hawaii. The shots demonstrate how the park has been preserved while also being interactive. It…